What is the San Carlos Rotary Endowment?

By providing scholarships and playing a major role in the inception and building of the San Carlos Rotary Youth Center, the Rotary Club has demonstrated its determination to do its part to enhance and shape–both intellectually and socially–the lives of these future citizens.

The Rotary Club of San Carlos, founded in 1949, recognizes its responsibilities to the young people of our city, as well as to other community residents, who wish to enhance their education and enrich their lives in order to become stronger, more well-rounded individuals.

The San Carlos Rotary Endowment will provide funding for educationally-enriched programs and activities directly benefiting the development of the young people of San Carlos and other community residents. Programs and activities of an intellectual, physical, or social nature that provide stimulating and wholesome enrichment will be eligible for funding.

The Endowment was organized by Cameron Miller during his Presidency 1998-1999. The first organizational meeting was on 9-4-1998. The initial seed money ($10,000) was provided by Community Services Inc. on 5-25-1999.

What kind of programs and activities will benefit from funding?

The needs of our community’s young people and other residents are diverse; therefore, the San Carlos Rotary Endowment will provide funds for:

  • The purchase of equipment designed to enhance educational activities or programs.
  • Academic or vocational activities or programs designed to promote career guidance or career goals.
  • Art, music, or drama activities or programs designed to promote the appreciation of the arts.
  • Athletic endeavors that promote health and physical development.
  • Gifted programs or activities for the intellectually bright.
  • Programs for the disabled, developmentally impaired, and those individuals with special needs which promote and facilitate unique or significant development.
  • Activities or programs providing the understanding and appreciation of citizenship and the value of community service.

How does the Rotary Endowment raise funds?

  • Sustaining membership of San Carlos Rotary Club members (over 72% of membership contributed $1000 or more)
  • Corporate Donations
  • Fundraisers

What are the Endowments’ current assets?

  • We have a diversified portfolio
  • Funds are held in a safe and respectable investment firm

How many Endowment Fellows are there?

  • As of today, our Rotary Club has 39 members, 28 of whom are Endowment Fellows.
  • We have more than 30 non-active members who are Endowment Fellows (deceased or left the club).
  • Since inception we’ve had more than 100 individuals contribute to our Endowment.

What are the short-term Endowment fund-raising goals?

  • Our short-term goal is to see 100% of the San Carlos Rotary members become Endowment Fellows.

What are the long-term Endowment fund-raising goals?

  • The long term goal is to exceed $1,000,000.

What Endowment funds have been distributed so far?

  • Scholarships awarded by the Endowment to date is $25,000. This is in addition to the regular scholarships awarded by the scholarship committee, funded by Community Services Inc.

As a dedicated and active citizen of the San Carlos community, how can I help with the growth of the Endowment fund?

  • Make a donation
  • Attend our fundraisers
  • Bid on auction items
  • A History of Commitment

The Rotary club of San Carlos has always had a deep interest in and a commitment to the young people of San Carlos.
